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Monday, May 28, 2007

A moment to be

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

As the sun slowly bows his head at the end of the day
Gold and crimson hues smoulder in a striking array
The disc of life makes a final kiss to the land
Embracing upon the horizon of the desert sands
Flowers gently fold their velvet petals to rest
Birds on a wire fly to comforting nests
Our Divine Artisan paints the hours of the night
Angels travel within the streams of hallowed light
Darkness descends like a flowing timeless silken cloak
The face of the moonlight casts her mysterious shadows to evoke
The vortex of my complex mind
Stirring emotions of a delicate kind
Time to awaken as others all around you softly sleep
A moment to go beyond limitations and reach within deep
A glimpse of the Divine that resides in the heart
Reminding the self that we are never ever to be apart
A moment to be with the only One
A moment for Trinity and Neo
A moment for Love
and the soul to be united with the Whole.

Mythic Journeys: The Documentary


The longest journey
Is the journey inwards
Of him who has chosen his destiny. Dag Hammarskjold.

The world is a traveler’s inn. Afghan saying.

You cannot travel the path until you have become the path. Gautam Buddha.

Comandini, Adele
Sometimes we have to go through the darkness alone, before we can see the light.
The day on which one starts out is not the time to start one’s preparations. Nigerian saying


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love the poem!

magiceye said...

wow!!!!! beautiful!!!!!

floots said...

unity with the whole
i guess we're all seeking that in some way
beautiful piece

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

All I can say is ... tears.

polona said...

spiritual awakening... beautiful!

Janice Thomson said...

So beautiful again and so spot on these last few posts that border on the mystical.

Pat Paulk said...

Been wondering if there's a rest stop on this journey within. Beautiful!!

gautami tripathy said...

Spiritually moved...

unknown said...

A beautiful poem and a beautiful picture..........that makes for another great post. Thanks! hugssssssss

Anonymous said...

oh TS,
wondering, mystery, connections, awe, love- you express this beautifully