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Friday, November 03, 2006

Those Yesteryears.

Oh! Those yesteryears where did they go?
As I sit in my rocking chair, rocking to and fro
Gently my eyes close as I remember my life
Was it bad; was it good; was it full of strife?
I remember when I was a child and so small
And everything else looked so huge, enormous and tall
One big room we lived in, a family of three
I remember how daddy cuddled me on his knee
Mummy and daddy struggling, working to make ends meet
Christmas is coming, thick snow in the street
Lots of presents all nicely wrapped up for me
My first dolly sitting pretty under the beautiful tree
My child like thoughts that, Father Christmas had been
Behind the wrapping paper and ribbons, the toil was not seen
A little older now, going to big school
Torments from children, how they were so cruel
Mummy is crying, daddy did not come home
Out gambling he was all night long, leaving poor mummy alone
I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her soul
As we sit together and stared at the flames in a trance
Maybe mummy will give daddy another final chance
Luck ran out this time, gambling was deep within his skin
Daddy has left our home, this time he did not win
I love my mum, her coat off her back she would give for me
Working all hours to provide the best she could see
Rocking in my chair to and fro
My eye flickering in thoughts of what I knew and what I now know
Those yesteryear where did they go?
There were times when neighbours gave a helping hand
Sharing in the community, making proud of the land
Then technology were born into our homes
TV, washing machines and mobile phones
Making vows of love and loyalty to your lover
The children came along, now no time for each other.
Lost years where did they go?
As you rock through the times to and fro
It happened all so fast
The kids, they have all grown up at last.
One gets old and tired, your body full of aches and pain
And you wonder would you do it all again.

Rocking in your timeless chair and whispering ... "Yes".
Perhaps with improvement.
More so, I would perhaps of not of been here ... maybe even lost somewhere else in another dream.

Maybe some of you can relate to this ... feel free to share. :o)

Dedicated to Master S.
Mystic you come and go like the rush of a breeze imbued with grace
From beyond my comprehension an unfathomable and infinite place
Your intoxicated breath upon my lips transcends me to cloud nine
The living alchemist expressing your mystical Love for the Divine
A beautiful spell of enchantment you did cast upon my soul
Ripples of love and light towards the Whole
You have taught me that safety is always near
And that it only the illusion of fear I fear.
Namaste Master S :o)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Where the answers are

Photograph Stillness by Votahuan in (flickr)

silence a spirited shadow
stillness undisturbed fragrant air

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Purpose of the Rose

The Rose in the Autumn Sun

I stopped to gaze upon a Rose today
As it gave me a joyous smile
Its strength was slowly fading
It was clinging to its final and last breath
Petals gently falling like tears upon my face
As it drooped its head towards the ground
So that I the voyeur would be given that last pleasure
Of seeing the wonder of beauty of this selfless little rose

Perhaps the Purpose is to express one's beauty on a spiritual level at all times giving and doing with Love ... To be selfless like the Rose giving yourself without return ... And to leave a scent and the vision of your beauty in the memory of someone, somewhere.

This will be the making of a beautiful world ... your contribution to creation.

Hugs for all those that pass by. :o)

photograph by ....hailstorm's... In (flickr)

Quotes on Roses

The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love;O, the red rose is a falcon,And the white rose is a dove. John Boyle O’Reilly

The world is a rose, smell it and pass it to your friends.
Persian Proverb

But earthlier happy is the rose distill'd Than that which withering on the virgin thornGrows, lives, and dies in single blessedness.
William Shakepeare

The rose that lives its little hour Is prized beyond the sculptured flower.

a walking cane
no elegance or fame
a twisted old bough from under the bower
to wade away the endless hour
a friend to join you in your walk
a friend to whisper and talk
no elegance or fame
a walking cane
funny how it can stand in the corner just waiting for you to take it a walk.
God is our Walking Cane
He will always take you for a walk.
But do you always go?

Monday, October 30, 2006

No Longer

No Longer
No longer do I mourn in the mirror at the reflection of my waning youth
But gaze within the depths of my eyes in raptures at my pending eternal joy
.No longer shall I be saddened and weighed down by the desires I do not hold within my grasp
But rejoice in the richness of the fruits of life that are laid before me to feast and fulfil my appetite
No longer will I thirst for the material possessions of life that are temporal and inanimate
But be quenched by Love pouring abundantly from within my heart that has be filled with aliveness
No longer will tender sentiments and nostalgia rule my life, shackling and seizing my illusions like grieving trophies.
But let me relish in my arousal of wonder at every aborning moment that is bestowed upon me and be grateful that I have a choice
No longer will my stumbling in the alleys of despair and becoming downhearted over take me
But I shall be triumphant that it has strengthened my very spirit and made me aware
No longer will the shroud of darkness obscure my view of the Beauty that resides within my ageing body
But I shall increase my vision and express the Beauty upon all I meet.
No longer will walls and frivolities of the mundane world steal my energy and entomb me
But let every stone wall I have built be clawed down till my fingers bleed and I rejoice in the pain of my long last awaited freedom
No longer will false idols of society impress me with their sad and tasteless life
But the visions of Nature …the air that I breathe … the whisper from a passing breeze … the sun as it kisses the earth … and the taste of wine and passion shall be my intoxications of love
Life is simplicity … be still and silent and listen

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Beneath my bowers

Beneath my bowers

Let the dawn break in my deepest dark night
Lifting my vision to exhilarating heights
Let me gaze upon the Mystic with my starry eyes
That sparkle and dazzle the cosmic skies
Let the wind blow with laughter chasing the tail of the breeze
spiraling round the tall wooded trees
Candles flickering to light the passage way
Branches twist and bend, intoxicating they sway
Sit with me my darling, and ponder beneath my bower
As eloquently we pass away in the non physical hour
Lets whisper and call the Presence of God to rise higher
We are one and this is our true loving desire.

Please post me your thoughts on:

What would you do if you were invisible?

3 or more.

Midday Canvas
Leaves burnished and kissed by the mid-day sun
The autumn days colour smolders and run
Wisps of clouds like sails on the ocean blue
The Greatest Artist shares His canvas with you.